Someone very wise once said that the way to a person’s heart is through their stomach. We think they were spot on – good food makes us happy.

Here in the South West we’re blessed with coast and countryside which of course means an abundance of fantastic produce. We’re also fortunate enough to have a passionate group of local artisans dedicated to using that produce in the very best way to create delicious, ethically sourced fare for our pleasure.

With Christmas fast approaching and pressie buying firmly on our minds, our LC team have put together this year’s LC Loves Local Foodie Gift Guide. Here we highlight some of our favourite producers in Devon, Cornwall and Somerset. So, whether you’re searching for the perfect gift to appease even the most particular of foodies, or simply fancy treating yourself, we hope you’ll enjoy perusing as much as we’ve enjoyed sampling.

Vegan Chocolate, Fridge Bars and Treats

Cornwall’s Chocolate Cove
The Little Home Bakery
As Raw As
Moo Free
Josh’s Chocolate
Cake or Death Letterbox Brownies

ocean 1, newquay

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